October 30, 2005

News and Prayers

Feastday of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

Things have been quite busy around here and I'm totally getting senioritis! In the midst of all this work my prayer life has suffered which makes me very sad. I haven't said any Office (lauds, vespers or compline) in days and I can feel the negative effects. Hopefully, I'll be back on track soon!

I also wanted to draw your attention to a young man's blog who is discerning the priesthood. He is starting a Rosary novena to bring his mother back to the faith. The novena starts on Nov. 1st and ends on Nov. 9th. You can find out more info here

I'd also ask you to pray for my friend Greta who is entering the Dominican Nuns on Nov. 7. She is such a beautiful soul and I'm so happy for her and her vocation!

October 18, 2005

ugh school....

Feastday of St. Luke

Hey everyone! sorry I've been such a stranger, but I've been really busy with school and things. Being a senior, I have to write a thesis which is a 30-45 page monstrosity of a paper. I'm doing mine on Irish home rule and independence. It's a cool topic, I just need to get writing!!

So....what have I been up to? Well earlier this month I visited the Summit Dominicans and went to their Rosary Sunday celebration. It was really great and so much fun. I got to be with not only my nuns, but my friends Greta and Nene. I we've all agreed how funny, intelligent and real they all are; just beautiful. I also handed in my aspirancy papers and met the Council. The aspirancy is going to (God willing!) be in January when I'm on break. I'm really looking forward to it because I need to live the life and see if this is where God is calling me. It's funny because every time I have visited I have wanted to get inside the cloister!

Amazingly, my mom has been really okay with all of this. She has asked why I feel called to cloistered life after looking at active life for so long. Well I really can't explain it but I think it was because I never considered it before. Whenever I thought of religious life, it was always active. Then I took the plunge and visited Summit and the rest fell into place. I've always been attracted to the Dominicans and I fell in love with the sisters, and their life.

Basically, being there blew away every preconception I had about the cloister. They don't have a grille, which I like because I need hugs from people! The more I'm there the more I like it. I don't know if they are the order or community for me,but I need to try it out.

Okay, till next time!

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