September 05, 2004

Soon, a wedding and a retreat

Feastday of Bl. Mother Teresa

So today was my lazy day. I've come home from college for the weekend so that I can attend my friend Sashi's wedding tomorrow! My friend Tina was dog sitting at her neighbor's house last night so we had a sleepover. Good times had by all I can tell ya... Kill Bill 2 and Ben & Jerry's One Sweet Whirrled ice cream....yum! Mass today was a wonderful blessing for me. The Gospel talked about how one must give up EVERYTHING to follow Christ. This really spoke to me because to be a nun is to give up friends, family, personal freedom EVERYTHING! Of course this is not to say a nun's life is heartache and sadness, quite the contrary! As one Nashville Dominican put it "The irony of giving your whole life to God in religious life is that He gives it all back, with interest!" I think that is a great way to think about religious life. Anyway, after Mass I asked my pastor (a Dominican) if he knew of the Nashville Dominicans. He did and he said that they were the best group in the country! Now, that may be the Dominican bias talking but I have heard wonderful things about them. For those that don't know, I will be going on retreat with them in October and I am super psyched! Also, I get to meet Sr. Julie (of fame) and Sr. Emily. I've talked to both of them over the internet and Emily by phone and they seem like beautiful souls! Even in my excitement, there is frustration because it seems getting to Nashville is trickier that I thought. I booked my tickets and told me that they didn't have a seat for me on one of the flights and they would have to book it later. So I'm kinda worried I won't have a seat. I trust in God that everything will be okay though, He always comes through for me =)

In more recent events, my friend Sashi is getting married tomorrow! She's an orthodox Jew and going to those weddings are always fun and exciting. We both worked at the same camp and lots of other counselors will be there as well.

Before I go, I just wanted to ask everyone to pray for the Russian schoolchildren that were killed and injured by terrorists yesterday.

St. Basil the Great, pray for us!

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