April 19, 2005
Feastday of Blessed Luchesio and Buonadonna
Yes, Virginia we have a Pope! Joseph Ratzinger was elected and assumed the name Benedict XVI! I was in the computer lab when Janessa squeeled "They've elected a Pope, I just got a text!" It was priceless. Then I went to the Vactican and Yahoo news but they didn't have the name yet. I waited around for a bit and then I heard. I honestly don't know too much about our new Pope, but hopefully he will lead God's people well! I bet the folks over at the Ratzinger fan club are throwing a HUGE par-tay right about now....LOL!
Feastday of Blessed Luchesio and Buonadonna
Yes, Virginia we have a Pope! Joseph Ratzinger was elected and assumed the name Benedict XVI! I was in the computer lab when Janessa squeeled "They've elected a Pope, I just got a text!" It was priceless. Then I went to the Vactican and Yahoo news but they didn't have the name yet. I waited around for a bit and then I heard. I honestly don't know too much about our new Pope, but hopefully he will lead God's people well! I bet the folks over at the Ratzinger fan club are throwing a HUGE par-tay right about now....LOL!