April 12, 2005

so, what's been goin on???

Feastday of St. Teresa of Los Andes (1900-1920)

Hey Everyone! So, these past couple week have been very exciting for me =) Last Thursday I sent out a slew of emails to different communities because I was getting frustrated waiting to be home to communicate with them. This weekend I got responses from the Visitation Sisters and the Apostles of the Sacred Heart! Both of them invited me to their convents this summer to find out about the life. Oh I was sooo happy! I also asked them a lot a questions about their communities. Sr. Colleen of the Apostles wrote back to me and told me that they get 10 visiting days in the summer and you can write to your family once a week. She also told me that there is a good chance I'll get to teach high school because they run 4 of them. woohoo!

Today, Sr.Anunciata of the SMMEs got back to me and invited me to the May retreat. I was really bummed because I don't get back until the 29th of May. Then she said...."You might need to come to one of the Profession ceremonies going on this summer so that you can meet some of the sisters." yippee! I was on cloud 9, people! Not only would I get to meet the sisters, but to see a profession,oh so cool. Now the only thing is coming up with plane fare and getting permission from the parents. Money shouldn't be too bad, I've seen roundtrip flights for $90. The parents might be another story. I think with me visiting all these convents, it's going be hard but I know God will help them through it.

HA! Just as I was typing, I got an email from one of the Religious Sisters of Mercy, Alma! GOD IS SO GOOD! ::jumps around:: okay I'm gonna go reply to her and be happy about my vocation. Until next time!

Wow emily, that seems wonderful. To me it seems that you have written to so many different comunities in teh past and still going at it. Many people would consider that as Shopping around but I feel it isn't. I think you should consider contacting the Sisters of Nazareth. they are a very good community and the vocation director works very har and keeps contact for a s long as possible. I hav found in my discernment that many communties email one for awhile and then stop writting al together. Thats my opinion tho, but the Sisters you are in contact could be different. well, I gotta go. You should check out my blog, sometime. Email me sometime, i did email you a while ago, but no reply. TTYL!!!!!!!
God Bless!!!!

in him,
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