November 04, 2005

Happy Friday!

this is back dated because I wrote it on Friday and I just didn't get around to posting. I'll have an update soon!

Feastday of St. Charles Boromeo

I'm very happy it's Friday because a) duh it's Friday b) I get paid and c) My mom is coming to visit! All in all not to bad..... Also it's St. Charles Boromeo's feastday which is very cool. When I went with my family to Italy in 2000, we stayed on Lake Maggiore and got to visit the Boromean Islands. Isola Bella is where the family has this amazing palace and gardens.

Anyway, things are going well, except for the fact that I have sooo much to do. Right now my priorities are getting my paycheck cashed, doing laundry and cleaning my room. I want mom to think my room is always neat and orderly (ha!). The senior class is holding a mother-daughter champagne breakfast so I joked to mom about us getting drunk together. Ahhh how funny would that be! No, don't worry there will be drunkenness.....

In other news, I found the church of my dreams! Unfourtunately, it's in Chicago. It's almost enough for me to move out there. It's St. John Canitus and it is just amazing! Not only do they have Tridentine and Novus Ordo Mass in English and Latin but they have Greek and Latin classes. They even have Latin for kids, which is great because then they understand what they're saying and not just saying it. So if anyone it in the Chicago area, I would say check it out!

Excellent, love it! » »
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